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Name: Chaokun WANG
Title: Associate Professor
Telephone: 86-10-6279-5393
Research Fields: Social Data and Graph; Multimedia Databases; Big Data Management.
Education background
Harbin Institute of Technology, Ph.D., 2005.12
Tsinghua University, School of Software, 2006.2
Concurrent Academic
Editorial Board Member of Journal of Information Technology and Architecture.
Program Committee Co-Chair of WASA 2014.
Program Committee Co-Chair of USDM 2012.
Local Organization Co-Chair of APWEB 2011.
PC member of AAAI 2017, NDBC 2017, BIGCOMP 2017, ICYCSEE 2017, WASA 2017, ACAC 2017, AAAI 2016, NDBC 2016, BIGCOMP 2016, SOCIALCOM 2016, ICYCSEE 2016, IoP 2016, WASA 2016, VARA 2016, NDBC 2015, WASA 2015, VARA 2015, BESC 2015, IJCRS 2015, APWEB 2014, NDBC 2014, ASONAM 2014, CsoNet 2014, VARA 2014, BESC 2014, CSoNet 2014, WASA 2014.
Reviewer for
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
World Wide Web Journal,
Frontiers of Computer Science,
Chinese Journal of Software,
Chinese Journal of Computers.
Research Status
Research on Query Processing for Generalized Data, NSFC (PI, Jan. 2014 - Dec. 2017)
Research on Key Techniques on Discovering Potential Important Members in Social Networks, NSFC (PI, Jan. 2012 - Dec. 2015)
Native Music Data Model and Query Language, NSFC (PI, Jan. 2009 - Dec. 2011)
Honors And Awards
Best Paper Award (Discovering the Most Potential Stars in Social Networks with Infra-Skyline Queries), APWEB 2012, 1 out of 167 submissions.
Best Student Paper Award (LyDAR: A Lyrics Density based Approach to Non-homogeneous Music Resizing), ICME 2010, 2 out of 630 submissions.
First Prize in the SRT Project of Tsinghua University, 2008.
Academic Achievement
[1] When to Make a Topic Popular Again? A Temporal Model for Topic Re-hotting Prediction in Online Social Networks. IEEE TSIPN, 2017
[2] Inferring Directions of Undirected Social Ties. IEEE TKDE, 2016
[3] Recommendation for Repeat Consumption from User Implicit Feedback. IEEE TKDE, 2016
[4] Community Detection in Social Networks: An In-depth Benchmarking Study with a Procedure-Oriented Framework. PVLDB, 2015
[5] Inferring Continuous Dynamic Social Influence and Personal Preference for Temporal Behavior Prediction. PVLDB, 2014.