Tsinghua University, Ph.D, in Computer Software and Theory. (From Sep. 1997 to Jan. 2003)
Tsinghua University, B.S, in Computer Science and Technology. (From Sep. 1992 to Jul. 1997)
Associate Professor in School of software, Tsinghua University. (From Jan. 2007 )
Assistant Professor in School of software, Tsinghua University. (From 2003 to 2006)
Selected Publications :
Qiaoqiao Wei, Hui Zhang, Jun-Hai Yong. Discriminative Spatiotemporal Alignment for Self-Supervised Video Correspondence Learning. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). 2023, 1841-1846.
Qiaoqiao Wei, Hui Zhang, Jun-Hai Yong. Boosting Interactive Image Segmentation by Exploiting Semantic Clues. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). 2023, 102-107.
Yujun Zhang, Hui Zhang. Few-shot Font Recognition in an Unsupervised Way. The International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics. 2023 Best paper.
Qiaoqiao Wei, Hui Zhang, Jun-Hai Yong. Focused and Collaborative Feedback Integration for Interactive Image Segmentation. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2023, 18643-18652.
Zhen Li, Xiting Wang, Weikai Yang, Jing Wu, Zhengyan Zhang, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun, Hui Zhang, Shixia Liu. A Unified Understanding of Deep NLP Models for Text Classification. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.2022, 28(12): 4980-4994.
Chen Qian, Hui Zhang. Region-based Pixels Integration Mechanism for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation. 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. 2022, 6165-6173.
Jian Zhao, Hui Zhang. Thin-Plate Spline Motion Model for Image Animation. 2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2022, 3657-3666.
Wenbin Xie, Dehua Song, Chang Xu, Chunjing Xu, Hui Zhang, Yunhe Wang. Learning Frequency-aware Dynamic Network for Efficient Super-Resolution. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV)2021, 4308-4317.
Suiyun Zhang, Zhizhong Han, Yu-Kun Lai, Matthias Zwicker, Hui Zhang. Active arrangement of small objects in 3D indoor scenes. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 27(4): 2250-2264, 2021.
Wenbin Xie, QiaoQiao Wei, Zheng Li, Hui Zhang. Learning Effectively from Noisy Supervision for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation. The 31st British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC). 7th-10th. Sept. 2020.
Suiyun Zhang, Zhizhong Han, Yu-Kun Lai, Matthias Zwicker, Hui Zhang. Stylistic scene enhancement GAN: mixed stylistic enhancement generation for 3D indoor scenes. The Visual Computer. 2019, 35(6): 1157-1169.
Xingyi Du, Xiaohan Liu, Dong-Ming Yan, Caigui Jiang, Juntao YE, Hui Zhang. Field-Aligned Isotropic Surface Remeshing. Computer Graphics Forum. 2018, 37(6): 343-357.
Suiyun Zhang, Zhizhong Han, Ralph R. Martin, Hui Zhang. Semantic 3D Indoor Scene Enhancement Using Guide Words. The Visual Computer. 2017, 33(6-8): 925-935.
Hao Yang, Hui Zhang. Automatic 3D reconstruction of a polyhedral object from a single line drawing under perspective projection. Computers & Graphics. 2017, 65: 45-59.
Hao Yang, Hui Zhang. Efficient 3D Room Shape Recovery from a Single Panorama. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2016. 5422-5430. (Oral Paper)
Sen Zhang, Jianwei Guo, Hui Zhang, Xiaohong Jia, Dongming Yan, Junhai Yong, Peter Wonka. Capacity Constrained Blue-Noise Sampling on Surfaces. Computers & Graphics. 2016, 55: 44-54.
Kunyu Cai, Hui Zhang. Efficient Depth Restoration from 2D Line Drawings with Line Segments and Curves. 14th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, 2015, 49-56.
Yu Meng, Hui Zhang, Mengchen Liu, Shixia Liu. Clutter-Aware Label Layout. IEEE Pacific Visulization Symposium. April, 14-17, 2015. Hangzhou, China. 207-214.
Ya Mei Wen, Hui Zhang, Fangtao Li, Jiaguang Sun. Identifying and Constructing Elemental Parts of Shafts Based on Conditional Random Fields Model. Computer-Aided Design. 2015, 62: 10-19.
Yunfeng Liang, Hao Yang, Hui Zhang. A per-pixel noise detection approach for example-based photometric stereo. Computers & Graphics. 2015, 46: 327-335.
Hao Yang, Hui Zhang. Modeling Room Structure from Indoor Panorama. Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (VRCAI). 2014. 47-55.
Tiantian Guo, Hui Zhang, Yamei Wen. An Improved Example-Driven Symbol Recognition Approach in Engineering Drawings. Computers & Graphics. 2012, 36(7): 835-845.
Wen-Ke Wang, Hui Zhang, Xiao-Ming Liu, Jean-Claude Paul. Conditions for coincidence of two cubic Bezier curves. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2011, 235(17): 5198-5202.
Yu Meng, Hui Zhang. Registration of Point Clouds Using Sample-Sphere and Adaptive Distance Restriction. The Visual Computer. 2011, 27(6-8): 543-553.
Ya Mei Wen, Hui Zhang, Jia Guang Sun, Jean-Claude Paul. A new method for identifying and validating features from 2D sectional views. Computer-Aided Design. 2011, 43(6): 677-686.
Kan-Le Shi, Sen Zhang, Hui Zhang, Jun-Hai Yong, Jia-Guang Sun, Jean-Claude Paul. G2 B-spline interpolation to a closed mesh. Computer-Aided Design. 2011, 43(2): 145-160.
Yamei Wen, Hui Zhang, Zhongmian Yu, Jiaguang Sun, Jean-Claude Paul. Reconstructing 3D objects from 2D sectional views of engineering drawings using volume-based method. 2010 Shape Modeling International Conference (SMI). 2010. 13-24.
Jie-Hui Gong, Hui Zhang, Bin Jiang, Jia-guang Sun. Identification of Sections from Engineering Drawings Based on Evidence Theory. Computer-Aided Design. 2010, 42(2): 139-150.
Wen-Ke Wang, Hui Zhang, Hyungjun Park, Jun-Hai Yong, Jean-Claude Paul, Jia-Guang Sun. Reducing control points in lofted B-spline surface interpolation using common knot vector determination. Computer-Aided Design. 2008, 40(10-11): 999-1008.
Jiehui Gong, Hui Zhang. Research on Solid Reconstruction from Engineering Drawings.Journal of Software. 2008, 19(7): 1794-1805.
Hui Zhang, Jun-Hai Yong, Jean-Claude Paul. Adaptive geometry compression based on 4-point interpolatory subdivision schemes with labels. International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2007, 84(9): 1353-1365.
Jie-Hui Gong, Hui Zhang, Gui-Fang Zhang, Jia-Guang Sun. Solid reconstruction using recognition of quadric surfaces from orthographic views. Computer-Aided Design. 2006, 38(8): 821~835.
Jie-Hui Gong, Gui-Fang Zhang, Hui Zhang, Jia-Guang Sun. Reconstruction of 3D Curvilinear Wire-frame from Three Orthographic Views. Computers & Graphics. 2006, 30(2):213-224.