Education background
1993.9 - 1996.6, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Systems Science, Applied Mathematics, Ph.D.
1986.9 - 1989.6, Xiangtan University, Department of Mathematics, Mathematics, MSc.
1978.2 - 1980.12, Huaihua College, Department of Mathematics.
1998.5 - 2008.4, Department of Computer Science and Technology Tsinghua University, Associate Professor.
2001.7 - 2001.9, Canada Alberda University, a visiting professor.
2003.7 - 2003.9, Canada Alberda University, a visiting professor.
1996.7 - 1998.5, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, Postdoctoral , Associate Professor.
Concurrent Academic
[1]. 2003.8 – now, "International Journal of Information and Systems Sciences" ,Editorial Board.
[2]. 2007.2 – now, Higher Education Press, "Information Security Graduate Program Resources Committee" ,members.
[3]. 2007.8 - now, Machinery Industry Press, "Information Security Professional series of teaching materials" ,Editorial Board of the Standing Committee.
Research Status
Responsible for and participation in the National Natural Science Fund 4, the Ministry of Science 973 and "Eleventh Five-Year" scientific and technological projects 4, the Ministries and school projects 6, Company projects 6, of which 16 as the project leader.
[1]. Modeling and measurement studies of the software credibility based on internet environment, the National Natural Science Key Fund.
[2]. RSA algorithm cryptanalysis of short public key and long private key based on an integer lattice, National Natural Science Foundation.
[3]. Domain decomposition method of the Multi-body contact problem of non-matching grid, National Natural Science Foundation.
[4]. Finite element in the Monte Carlo Method, National Natural Science Foundation.
[5]. Cryptographic algorithm research and development of network security systems, the National Science and Technology 973 Project.
[6]. IPv6 Internet authentication mechanisms and key technology research, the National Science and Technology 973 Project.
[7]. Online education clearing system, the national "Eleventh Five-Year" scientific and technological projects
[8]. Online test security control technology, the national "Eleventh Five-Year" scientific and technological projects.
Honors And Awards
[1] Basic theory of the finite element post-processing and super-convergence have been got the State Natural Science Award of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education 2003
[2] Database security vulnerability scanning system has been appraised by the Ministry of Education about the scientific and technological achievements.
The main software development products:
[1]. Database vulnerability scanning and security assessment system
[2]. Database penetration testing system
[3]. Database security audit and assessment system
Academic Achievement
Article writing:
[1] Feng Shun Xi, Luo Ping, combinatorial mathematics, Mechanical Industry Press, 2002
[2] Luo Ping, Discrete Mathematics, Higher Education Press, 2005
[3] Luo Ping ,Zhou HJ, Wang DS, Cryptanalysis of RSA for a special case with d > e, SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES F-INFORMATION
[4] Liu H.J, Luo Ping ,Wang D.S, A scalable authentication model based on public keys, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 34 , 4 ,375-386,2008.
[5] Liu H.J, Luo Ping, Wang D.S, A distributed expansible authentication model based on Kerberos, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 1,4,472-486,2008.
[6] .Zhou, HJ, Luo, P , Wang, DS,, Dai YQ , Probability method for cryptanalysis of general multivariate modular linear equation, SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES F-INFORMATION SCIENCES, 52 (10): 1792-1800 OCT 2009
[7] .Zhou, HJ, Luo, P , Wang, DS,, Dai YQ , Remarks on the bounds for cryptanalysis of low private key RSA, Progress in Natural Science, 19 (10) 1327-1331, 2009
[8] H.J Zhou, Ping Luo,Dai Yiqi,Cryptanalysis of General Lu-Lee Type Systems, INSCRYPT’2007, Third SKLOIS Conference Pre-proceedings, 422-436.
[9] Liu.D, Luo Ping, Dai Y.Q, Attack on digital multi-signature scheme based on elliptic curve cryptosystem, OURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 22 (1): 92-94 JAN 2007.
[10]. P.Luo, Y.Q.Dai , Fast modular Multiplication and Parallel Algorithms in Public-key Cryptosystem, Dynamic of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B,Application and Algorithms, Vol.11 No.1 195-202, 2004.
[11]. D.S.Wang, P.Luo, L. Yang, D.X. Qi, Y.Q. Dai, Shift visual cryptography scheme of two secret image, Progress in Natural Science, Vol. 13, No. 6, 2003, 457-463.
[12]. Liu HJ, Luo P, Zeng ZF, A structured hierarchical P2P model based on a rigorous binary tree code algorithm,FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING THEORY METHODS AND APPLICATIONS 23 (2): 201-208 FEB 2007.
[13]. Ping Luo, Zuying Wang, Xiaobo Li, On empirical evaluation of partial encryption for image sets. Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition (Nevada USA), vol 1,60-63.
[14]. Yi Feng, Wang Daoshun, Luo Ping, Multi secret image color visual cryptography schemes for general access structures, Progress in Natural Science, v 16, n 4, April, 2006, 431-436.
[15]. Z.Y.Wang, Ping Luo, X.B.Li, Experiments on partial encryption performance for image sets. 2006 IEEE international symposium on signal processing and information technology (Vancouver Canada), 578-582.
[16]. Luo Ping,Yang.F.H,Rao.M, Parallel computation of load flow equations and accelerated algorithm, DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS-SERIES B-APPLICATIONS & ALGORITHMS 12: 69-80 Suppl. S, DEC 2005.
[17] Li S.D, DaiY.Q, Luo Ping, A secure multi-party computation solution to intersection problems of sets and rectangles, PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE 16 (5): 538-545 MAY 2006.
[18]. P.Luo, F.Yang, M.Rao, A parallel approach to computing load flow equations, Dynamic of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B,Application and Algorithms Vol.11 No.2 229-235, 2004.
[19]. P.Luo, Q.Lin, Accuracy analysis of the Adini element for biharmonic equation, ACTA Mathematical Sinica-English Series 20 (1): 135-146 ,Feb. 2004.
[20]. P. Luo, Q.Lin, High accuracy analysis of the Adini's noncomforming element, J.Computing, 2002,68,65-79.
[21]. P. Luo and Guo-ping Liang, Error Analysis and Global Superconvergences for the Signorini's problem with Lagrange multipliermethods,J.Comp.Math,vol.20,no.1,79-88, 2002.
[22]. P.Luo and Guo-ping Liang, Global superconvergences of the domain decomposition methods with nonmatching grids, J.Comp.Math , vol.19,no.2, 187-194, 2001.
[23]. P. Luo and Guo-ping Liang, Domain decomposition methods with nonmatching grids for the anilateral problem, J.Comp.Math , vol.20,no.2, 135-146, 2002.
[24]. Lin T, Lin YP, Luo Ping, Petrov-Galerkin methods for nonlinear volterra integro-differential equations, Dynamic of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B,Application and Algorithms, 8,405-426,2001.
[25]. Luo Ping,Lin Qun, High accuracy analysis of the Wilson element, J. Comp.Math., 1999,vol.17, no.2,113-124.
[26]. Luo Ping,Lin Qun, Superconvergences of the Adini's element for second order equation, J.Comp.Math, 1999,vol.17,no.6,569-574.
[27]. P. Luo, A.H. Zhou, Accurate Parallel Algorithm for Adini Nonconforming Finite Element, Tsinghua Science and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2003,145-150.
[28]. Tai.S.Y, Luo Ping, Weak-keys in public key Cryptosystems based on discrete logarithms, J.Tsinghua Sceice and Tchnology,2005,Vol.10,No.5,579-581.