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Name: Xiaojun YE
Title: Professor
Post: Ph.D.supervisor
Email: yexj@tsinghua.edu.cn
Address: Room 11-416 ,East Main Building and
Telephone: 010-62795439
Tax: 010-62795439
Research Fields: Current research interests include big data technology, security and privacy, intelligent discovery technology of network attacks and process safety manament methodology.
Education background
1989—1994 INSA Lyon, France,PhD 1987—1989 Northwest Polytechnical University,Xi’an, China,Master 1983—1987 Northwest Polytechnical University,Xi’an, China,BS
2010— Associate professor, Professor, School of Software,Tsinghua University 1994—2009 Lecturer and Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Technology,Tsinghua University
Research Status
Current research projects include 1.Database product quality evaluation scheme, Supported by National Technology major projects of China, 2008-2011. 2.Database testing tool development, Supported by National Technology major projects of China, 2009-2011. 3)Research on database system monitoring technology and service,Supported by National Technology Projects on Information Security of China, 2011-2014。 4)Information Security Technology-Security Capability Requirements for Big Data Services, Supported by Bureau of Cybersecurity, CAC,2016-2018。 5)Information product and service security evaluation scheme, Supported by National state key projects of China, 2016-2019. 6)Key technologies of intelligent discovery of network attacks, Supported by National state key projects of China, 2019-2022. 7)Big Data Evaluation Indicators, Supported by Bureau of Cybersecurity, CAC,2019-2020。
Academic Achievement
1)Zheng Wang, Xiaojun Ye, Chaokun Wang, Philip S. Yu:Feature Selection via Transferring Knowledge Across Different Classes. TKDD 13(2): 22:1-22:29 (2019) 2)Chaokun Wang , Changping Wang, Zheng Wang , Xiaojun Ye, Jeffrey Xu Yu , Bin Wang:DeepDirect: Learning Directions of Social Ties with Edge-Based Network Embedding. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 31(12): 2277-2291 (2019) 3)Chaokun Wang, Changping Wang, Zheng Wang, Xiaojun Ye, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Bin Wang:DeepDirect: Learning Directions of Social Ties with Edge-Based Network Embedding (Extended Abstract). ICDE 2019: 2149-2150 4)Jing Yu, Yao Fu, Yanan Zheng, Zheng Wang, Xiaojun Ye:Test4Deep: an Effective White-Box Testing for Deep Neural Networks. CSE/EUC 2019: 16-23 5)Changping Wang, Chaokun Wang , Gaoyang Guo, Xiaojun Ye, Philip S. Yu:Efficient Computation of G-Skyline Groups. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 30(4): 674-688 (2018) 6)Zheng Wang, Xiaojun Ye, Chaokun Wang, Yuexin Wu, Changping Wang, Kaiwen Liang:RSDNE: Exploring Relaxed Similarity and Dissimilarity from Completely-Imbalanced Labels for Network Embedding. AAAI 2018: 475-482 7)Lin Sun, Lan Zhang, Xiaojun Ye:Randomized Bit Vector: Privacy-Preserving Encoding Mechanism. CIKM 2018: 1263-1272 8)Changping Wang, Chaokun Wang, Gaoyang Guo, Xiaojun Ye, Philip S. Yu:Efficient Computation of G-Skyline Groups (Extended Abstract). ICDE 2018: 1769-1770 9)Jisheng Pei , Xiaojun Ye:Information-Balance-Aware Approximated Summarization of Data Provenance. Scientific Programming 2017: 4504589:1-4504589:11 (2017) 10)Zheng Wang, Chaokun Wang, Jisheng Pei, Xiaojun Ye, Multiple Source Detection without Knowing the Underlying Propagation Model. AAAI 2017: 217-223 11)Naiqiao Du, Xiaojun Ye, Jianmin Wang, A semantic-aware data generator for ETL workflows. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 28(4): 1016-1040 (2016) 12)Changping Wang, Chaokun Wang, Hao Wang, Jun Chen, Xiaojun Ye, Preference Join on Heterogeneous Data. APWeb (2) 2016: 317-329. 13)Jisheng Pei, Lijie Wen, Xiaojun Ye, Akhil Kumar, Zijing Lin, Transition Adjacency Relation Computation Based on Unfolding: Potentials and Challenges. OTM Conferences 2016: 61-79 14)Haowen Zhu, Xiaojun Ye, Xiaojun Zhang, Ke Shen, A Context-Aware Approach for Dynamic GUI Testing of Android Applications. COMPSAC 2015: 248-253 15)Letong Feng, Yanqing Li, Lin Liu, Xiaojun Ye, Jianmin Wang, Zhanqiang Cao, Xin Peng, Towards an Applied Oral Health Ontology: A Round Trip between Clinical Data and Experiential Medical Knowledge. COMPSAC Workshops 2015: 288-295 16)Changping Wang, Chaokun Wang, Jingchao Hao, Hao Wang, Xiaojun Ye, MAVis: A Multiple Microblogs Analysis and Visualization Tool. DASFAA (2) 2015: 541-545 17)Lin Liu, Chen Yang, Jianmin Wang, Xiaojun Ye, Yingbo Liu, Hongji Yang, Xiaodong Liu, Requirements model driven adaption and evolution of Internetware. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences 57(6): 1-19 (2014) 18)Naiqiao Du, Xiaojun Ye, Jianmin Wang, A schema aware ETL workflow generator. Information Systems Frontiers 16(3): 453-471 (2014). 19)Fei Yang, Xiaojun Ye, Yong Zhang, Chunxiao Xing, DZMQ: A Decentralized Distributed Messaging System for Realtime Web Applications and Services. IEEE WISA 2014: 165-171 20)Yu Wang, Xiaojun Ye, Index-Based OLAP Aggregation for In-Memory Cluster Computing. CCBD 2014: 148-151 21)Tianchun Wang, Xiaoming Jin, Xuetao Ding, Xiaojun Ye, User Interests Imbalance Exploration in Social Recommendation: A Fitness Adaptation. CIKM 2014: 281-290 22)Weiqian Huo, Jisheng Pei, Ke Zhang, Xiaojun Ye, KP-ABE with Attribute Extension: Towards Functional Encryption Schemes Integration. PAAP 2014: 230-237 23)Jisheng Pei, Xiaojun Ye, Towards Policy Retrieval for Provenance Based Access Control Model. TrustCom 2014: 769-776 24)Yun Wei Zhao, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, Xiaojun Ye, Exploring big data in small forms: A multi-layered knowledge extraction of social networks. BigData Conference 2013: 60-67 25)Zijia Lin, Guiguang Ding, Mingqing Hu, Jianmin Wang, Xiaojun Ye, Image Tag Completion via Image-Specific and Tag-Specific Linear Sparse Reconstructions. CVPR 2013: 1618-1625 26)Hongwei Zhao, Xiaojun Ye, A Practice of TPC-DS Multidimensional Implementation on NoSQL Database Systems. TPCTC 2013: 93-108 27)Hongwei Zhao, Xiaojun Ye, A Multidimensional OLAP Engine Implementation in Key-Value Database Systems. WBDB 2013: 155-170 28)杨璐; 叶晓俊:云服务环境下的密钥管理问题和挑战. 计算机科学 44(3): 3-9 (2017) 29)Lan Zhang, Yao Lai, Xiaojun Ye:基于注意力机制的恶意软件调用序列检测. 计算机科学 46(12): 132-137 (2019) 30)裴继升; 叶晓俊: 基于语法推导的溯源依赖关系路径模式挖掘算法. 永利集团304am登录学报(自然科学版) 57(6):561-568(2017) 31)沈科; 叶晓俊; 刘孝男; 李斌。基于API调用分析的Android应用行为意图推测. . 永利集团304am登录学报(自然科学版) 57(11):1139-1144(2017)