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Name: Yu Jiang
Title: Associate Professor
Email: jy1989@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
Address: East-Main Building, 11-319, Tsinghua University
Research Fields: Cyber-physical System, Security and Testing
Education background
Ph.D. Tsinghua University,Computer Science,2015 B.Sc. Beijing University of Post and Telecommunication,Software Engineering,2010
Associate Professor. Tsinghua University. School of Software. 2020-Now Assistant Professor. Tsinghua University. School of Software. 2016-2019 Post.Doc. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Computer Science. 2015-2016
Concurrent Academic
AE, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing (T-SUSC), 2021- AE, ELSEVIER Journal of Systems Architecture: Embedded Software Design, 2020- PC, 43th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering(ICSE),2021 PC, 57th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference(DAC), 2020, 2021 PC, 20th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software(EMSOFT),2020, 2021 PC, 10th ACM International Conference on Cyber-Physical System(ICCPS), 2020 PC, 25th IEEE Real-time and Embedded Technology & Applications Symposium(RTAS), 2019 PC, 22nd ACM International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems(MODELS), 2019
Honors And Awards
Webank Scholar, Webank: 2021 DAMO Academy Young Fellow, Alibaba: 2020 Best Paper Nominee, ACM SIGBED EMSOFT: 2020 Best Paper Nominee, ACM SIGSOFT ICSE-SEIP: 2020 Best Paper Nominee, ACM SIGBED EMSOFT: 2019 Best Paper Award, IEEE ICII: 2019 Microsoft Young Rising Star Program, Microsoft Aisa: 2017 Distinguished Dissertation Award, China Computer Federation (CCF): 2015
Academic Achievement
[*] Jie Liang, Mingzhe Wang, Chijin Zhou, Zhiyong Wu, Yu Jiang*, Jianzhong Liu, Zhe Liu, Jiaguang Sun: "PATA: Fuzzing with Path Aware Taint Analysis". IEEE Security and Privacy (S&P), 2022. [*] Hao Sun, Yuheng Shen, Cong Wang, Jianzhong Liu, Yu Jiang*, Ting Chen, Aiguo Cui: "HEALER: Relation Learning Guided Kernel Fuzzing". ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), 2021 [*] Mingzhe Wang, Jie Liang, Chijin Zhou, Yu Jiang*, Rui Wang, Chengnian Sun, Jiaguang Sun: "RIFF: Reduced Instruction Footprint for Coverage-Guided Fuzzing". USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC), 2021. [*] Yuheng Shen, Hao Sun, Yixiao Yang, Yu Jiang*, Wanli Chang, Heyuan Shi: "Rtkaller: State-aware Task Generation for RTOS Fuzzing". ACM SIGBED International Conference on Embedded Software(EMSOFT), 2021. [*] Feilong Zuo, Zhengxiong Luo, Junze Yu, Yu Jiang*: "PAVFuzz: State-Sensitive Fuzz Testing of Protocols in Autonomous Vehicles". ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2021. [*] Mingzhe Wang, Zhiyong Wu, Xinyi Xu, Jie Liang, Chijin Zhou, Huafeng Zhang, and Yu Jiang*: "Industry Practice of Coverage-Guided Enterprise-Level DBMS Fuzzing". ACM SIGSOFT International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering in Practice(ICSE-SEIP), 2021. [*] Mingrui Zhang, Jianzhong Liu, Fuchen Ma, Huafeng Zhang, and Yu Jiang*: "IntelliGen: Automatic Driver Synthesis for Fuzz Testing". ACM SIGSOFT International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering in Practice(ICSE-SEIP), 2021. [*] Zhuo Su, Dongyan Wang, Yixiao Yang, Yu Jiang*, Wanli Chang, Liming Fang, Wen Li, and Jiaguang Sun: "Code Synthesis for Dataflow Based Embedded Software Design". IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems(TCAD), 2021. [*] Jian Gao, Yiwen Xu, Yu Jiang*, Zhe Liu, Xun Jiao, Wanli Chang, and JIaguang Sun:" EM-Fuzz: Augmented Firmware Fuzzing via Memory Checking". ACM SIGBED International Conference on Embedded Software(EMSOFT,Best Paper Candidate), 2020. [*] Chijin Zhou, Mingzhe Wang, Jie Liang, and Yu Jiang*:" Zeror: Speed Up Fuzzing with Coverage-sensitive Tracing and Scheduling". ACM SIGSOFT International Conference on Automated Software Engineering(ASE), 2020. [*] Zhengxiong Luo, Feilong Zuo, Yuheng Shen, Xun Jiao, Wanli Chang, and Yu Jiang*: "ICS Protocol Fuzzing: Coverage Guided Packet Crack and Generation".ACM Design Automation Conference(DAC), 2020. [*] Cong Wang, Mingrui Zhang, Yu Jiang*, Huafeng Zhang, Zhenchang Xing, and Ming Gu: "Escape from Escape Analysis of Golang". ACM SIGSOFT International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering in Practice(ICSE-SEIP, Best Paper Candidate), 2020. [*] Yuanliang Chen, Yu Jiang, Fuchen Ma, Jie Liang, Mingzhe Wang, Chijin Zhou, Xun Jiao and Zuo Su. EnFuzz: Ensemble Fuzzing with Seed Synchronization among Diverse Fuzzer. USENIX Security Symposium (Security), 2019 [*] Zhengxiong Luo, Feilong Zuo, Yu Jiang*, Jian Gao, Xun Jiao, and Jiaguang Sun: "Polar: Function Code Aware Fuzz Testing of ICS Protocol". ACM SIGBED International Conference on Embedded Software(EMSOFT, Best Paper Candidate), 2019.